Undergraduate Program of Non Formal Education (UPNFE) was originally born with the name Social Education. Undergraduate Program of Non Formal Education (UPNFE) was born at the same time with Malang Teacher Training (IKIP Malang) and Faculty of Education at Surabaya in 1963 and subsequently changed to IKIP Surabaya in 1964. Undergraduate Program of Non Formal Education (UPNFE) at Surabaya State University focuses on scientific development in Non-Formal and Informal Education pathways which are designed to create expert educator in the field of non-formal education and also manager of non-formal education units.
Undergraduate Program of Non Formal Education (UPNFE) committed to produce graduates who are capable to design programs, implement learning programs such as training programs, community empowerment programs, equality programs, literacy programs, and have the ability to manage other Non Formal Education units such as Course Institutions, Training Institution, Community Learning Activity Centers (PKBM), groups learning, Early Childhood Education Programs, Homeschooling, and other community empowerment programs.