The sample of UPNFE's Student's Thesis.. 



Name: Siska Agustina
NIM: 19010034086
Study Program: S-1
Major: Non-Formal Education
Name Of Institution: State University of Surabaya
Advisor: Dr. Rivo Nugroho, S.Pd., M.Pd

The Surabaya City Study Activity Center (SKB) is a form of Out-of-School Education. Surabaya City SKB has several problems, there are learning materials that contain skills in the curriculum are still very limited in terms of time allocation and
learning load, there is no competency test for skills acquired by
learning residents, and in general the technical resource persons recruited by the organizers do not meet the requirements. Based
on these problems, the researcher wanted to know about the
management, inhibiting and supporting factors of the vocational
program at Surabaya City SKB in meeting the learning needs of

To find out these problems, this study used a qualitative
approach with a descriptive analysis writing method. Data
collection techniques in this study are by using in-depth
interviews, participatory observation, and documentation.
The research subjects were administrators, students, educators, 
and the educational institutions of the SKB City of Surabaya. To improve the results of the research, the results of the research were carried out through a data validity test, namely a credibility test using triangulation of sources and member checks, transferability tests, dependability tests, and confirmability tests.

The results of the study show that the Management of
Vocational Programs Based on Learning Needs for Students is
managed based on aspects of the management function, namely
planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising that can run
well. In the process of managing the vocational program which is
associated with efforts to meet the learning needs of students, it
has also been running effectively. However, several things that
became obstacles in the implementation of the vocational program at the Surabaya City SKB were the limitations of quality sources, infrastructure, and depth of material. This is because Surabaya City SKB still relies on cooperation with partners and cannot be independent.

Keywords: Management of Vocational Programs, Learning Needs of Students

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Name : Lina Aulia Rahmawati
Student Number : 19010034060
Study Program : S-1
Department : Nonformal Education
Faculty : Education
Institution : Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Advisor : Dr. Heryanto Susilo, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Independent learning is an important potential that
needs to be possessed by early childhood.
With the existence of learning  independence,
children will be able to carry out various activities 
in finding their identity and life guidelines
for the future. Through independent learning and the role of parents, children's  independence can arise well if they are given a good stimulus in
their learning environment. The objectives of this study are: 1) to
find out the role of parents in shaping independent learning in
PAUD SKB Sidoarjo; 2) to find out the independence of children's
learning in PAUD SKB Sidoarjo; 3) to find out the supporting
factors for parents in increasing children's independent learning
in PAUD SKB Sidoarjo; 4) to find out the parent's obstacles in
increasing children's independent learning in PAUD SKB

This research used a qualitative descriptive method. The
nature of descriptive qualitative research is to describe the
phenomena in an in-depth description of the field. Data collection

techniques used are observation, interview, and documentation
techniques. While the data analysis is done through data
collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion.

The results showed that: 1) The parent's role in shaping children's independent learning in PAUD SKB Sidoarjo is good enough. There are three roles performed by parents, namely the
role as a facilitator, the role as a motivator, and the role as a guide. 2) Children's Independent learning in PAUD SKB Sidoarjo has been well fulfilled, but still not optimal yet. 3) The factors that support parents in improving children's independent learning at PAUD SKB Sidoarjo are giving praise, gifts, and attention. 4) Parent's Obstacles in improving children's independent learning at PAUD SKB Sidoarjo is the difficulty of the children to learn for various reasons.

Keywords: parent's role, children's independent learning

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Name : Alfinaa Mufidatur Rofifah
NIM : 19010034028
Study Program : S-1
Name Of Instution
: Non – Formal Education
: State University of Surabaya
Advisor : Prof. Dr. Maria Veronika Roesminingsih, M.Pd

The problem in this study is about the process of character building in children through traditional games, seeing how traditional games can maintain the character values contained therein in order to form character in each individual child. In every traditional game contains positive character values, character building through traditional games does not happen instantly but requires several playing processes, not just with one child playing.

This research uses a type of qualitative approach with descriptive analysis writing method. The data collection technique in this research is by using in-depth interview method, participatory observation, and documentation.

The subjects of this research are the chairman of
Kampoeng Dolanan Surabaya, volunteers of Kampoeng Dolanan Surabaya, children and parents of children. In improving the results of the study, then through the data validity test, namely the credibility test
using triangulation.

The results showed that through traditional games and through several mechanisms in delivering traditional games to help shape character in children when playing and after playing. With the various types of games that exist, here only 5 kinds of games are selected which are seen from the many enthusiasts for the game. Traditional games in
Kampoeng Dolanan are considered to contain positive character values including responsibility, obeying rules, cooperation, and honesty. Of the 4 kinds of character values contained in the 5 traditional games selected in this study. These character values can be formed in each 
individual child when the child is playing or after playing by requiring time that is not just one play but requires several times the child plays.

Keywords: Character Building, Traditional Games

Kindly download the example of the thesis here :

UPNFE Thesis



Name : Rahmita Aulia
NIM : 19010034031
Study Program : Bachelor's degree
Name of Institution
: Non Formal Education
: Surabaya State University
: Dr. Rivo Nugroho, S.Pd., M.Pd

PAUD (KB/RA) Adinda Dua Tebel Gedangan is one of the PAUD institutions that has a parenting program. This research investigates the implementation of parenting
programs in Early Childhood Education (PAUD), with a focus on how to plan, implement and evaluate parenting programs. Using a qualitative approach, this research involves participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and
document analysis to explore data from PAUD institutions that are the object of research.

The research results show that the implementation of parenting programs in PAUD has a positive impact in 
increasing parents' participation and understanding of effective parenting patterns. Through a series of activities
involving parents, such as seminars, workshops and biweekly community events, this program has succeeded in
creating close collaboration between educational institutions and families, creating a holistic educational
environment for children.

Evaluation of parenting programs is also the main focus of this research. By collecting data through surveys and interviews, evaluations are carried out to assess the extent to which the program has achieved its stated
objectives. Evaluation results show a significant increase in parent participation and understanding. However, the findings also highlight some challenges, such as logistical
constraints and a lack of certain parental involvement.

Therefore, this research makes an important contribution in detailing the factors that influence the successful
implementation of parenting programs in PAUD and provides recommendations for improvement and further development.

Parenting Program Implementation

Kindly download the example of the thesis here :

UPNFE Thesis