Click The Link to see more information on Seminar National and International or Other Activities have been conducted by Undergraduate Program of Non Formal Education (UPNFE) :
Guest Lecture With Trento University, Italy

To expand knowledge of non-formal education, UPNFE held a guest lecture guided by the lecturer of UPNFE, Desika Putri Mardiani, M.Pd on February 28th, 2024. UPNFE invites the speaker from Trento University, Italy, Vladimir Danchuk. By taking the concept of comparing the implementation of Non-Formal Education between Indonesia and Italy, students enthusiastically followed the lecture from beginning to end. Vladimir gives his insight about non-formal education Internationally, Non Formal Education is recognized by the International Standard Classification of Education which can accommodate a wider variety of activities than the school system, so that self-development will get an appropriate and more optimal place. He explained that education needs to be accompanied by good spiritual values, human values, and respect for fellow creatures so that everything planned in a lesson can run in harmony and in line with the goals to be achieved.
This Guest Lecture expects that students get the maximum learning experience, related to the expansion of knowledge about non-formal education globally, there are various benefits from sharing sessions with educational perspectives from Italy and various other countries, and an increase in the capacity to communicate with practitioners from abroad. In addition, the guest lecture is expected to be able to increase the motivation of the UPNFE academic community, both lecturers and students to continue to learn and increase their capacity for self-development due to the opening of diverse experiences.
Visiting Lecturer From University of Surrey, United Kingdom

Undergraduate Program of Non-Formal Education, UNESA held a virtual visiting lecturer entitled How English Improves Career and Public Relations. By presenting a speaker from the University of Surrey, United Kingdom, Gilang Maulana Majid, PhD (Cand.), students are encouraged to make an effort to develop themselves in any field, especially skills in mastering English. Given the changes and transformations that are currently occurring are very complex, PLS students must later become competitive graduates.
The Speaker conveyed his inspiring story of having studied up to the Doctoral level in the UK with a scholarship thanks to his good command of English. He also conducts various projects in the field of research in various countries and is currently developing an educational program, namely Rumah Pemimpin Indonesia Ngawi Foundation (RPIN Foundation) and also establishing an English course program (VF Media and Communication). This visiting lecturer is joined by 65 students from UPNFE. The event went smoothly and students enthusiastically participated in the activities. From this activity, students have gotten a clear picture of self-development management that is useful for their future.
International Seminar (UPNFE with Khon Kaen University, Thailand and University of Malaya)

International Webinar has been done by Undergraduate Program of Non Formal Education on November 11th, 2023. With the theme of Cultivating Literacy to Increase Student Learning Independence In The Era of Society 5.0, the international webinar is joined by 223 audiences. UPNFE invited the speakers from Khon Kaen University, Thailand: Associate Prof. Dr. Pennee Narot, Associate Professor Narong Kiettikunwong; the speaker from Unniversity of Malaya : Dr. Muhammad Faizal bin A Ghani; and the speaker from lecturer of UPNFE Unesa: Desika Putri Mardiani, M.Pd.
Associate Prof. Dr. Pennee Narot highlighted the concept of literacy especially culturally responsive learning. From a Thai perspective, it is expected that learning can be based on cultural literacy, where we can appreciate the culture of the people or learners in the school.
Associate Professor Narong Kiettikunwong highlighted the same literacy problem in Thailand and Indonesia, namely a low desire to learn new things. So in Thailand there is a KwS policy "Knowledge with Society".
Dr. Muhammad Faizal bin A Ghani emphasized that culture is learned to be transmittive, continuous and cumulative, consistent and integrated, dynamic and adaptive, satisfying, and culture varies from one society to another.
Desika Mardiani Putri, S.Pd., M.Pd. focused on the role of literacy culture in building student learning independence at FIP UNESA. "Literacy in the era of society 5.0 consists of components such as reading and writing literacy, numeracy, science, digital, financial, and cultural literacy."
It is hoped that after the implementation of the webinar moderated by Muhammad Nurul Ashar, S.Pd., M.Ed. this can be a sustainable collaboration between Universitas Negeri Surabaya, University of Malaya and Khon Kaen University. So that other collaborations can be formed in the future.
UPNFE Held National Seminar with Theme: Quo Vadis Social Well-Being

Undergraduate Program of Non Formal Education Invites Widya Iswara from bandung Center from Social Welfare Education Training, Education and Social Activist Surabaya, and also lecturer of UPNFE to discuss Quo Vadis of Social Well-Being on December 9th 2023. The speaker, Dr. Endah Triati, MSW. delivers that Social welfare is the fulfillment of the material, spiritual and social needs of citizens in order to live properly and be able to develop themselves so that they can carry out their social functions. Apart from that, the Ministry of Social Affairs still determines around 20 types of PPKS where PPKS is stated as an individual or community who due to an obstacle cannot carry out their social functions so that their physical, spiritual and social needs are not met adequately and reasonably.
Rizka Rahmawati, S.Pd., Education and Social Activist Surabaya gives her insight that to reach social well-being, it is necessary to fulfill the need of happiness basics:
1. The need of education
2. The need of job
3. The need of health
Therefore, Surabaya city government conducts Innovation and Priority Programs, especially in the Surabaya area such as Longevity and Healthy Living, education and a decent life.
Dr. Widodo, M.Pd as a lecturer of UPNFE gives his oppinion that the causes of the happy unattainability is unfulfillment of social services such as education to health that they should get, so that the level of community welfare decreases.